Chamomile German Oil India

Manufacturer, Supplier and Wholesale Exporter of Chamomile German Oil India.

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Chamomile German Oil India

(Matricaria chamomilla),Origin : India

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Buy Chamomile German Oil India

Chamomile German Oil Manufacturer, Wholesale Supplier and Exporter to buy in Pure and Natural Form

The Chamomile plant is an annual plant that grows in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East. Chamomile oil is deep, rich, inky blue distilled oil from flowers grown in Germany. With its darker blue hue, German chamomile oil is used as calming agent, and deeply healing oil to many respiratory and skin conditions. German Chamomile oil is also a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent due to the presence of a compound called Azulene. It is a nitrogenous compound and is responsible for giving the oil its characteristic deep blue color. These are not the only medicinal properties of Chamomile Oil. German Chamomile regulates the flow of Chi or Life Force in the body by cooling inflammation in the body. It therefore, will calm and cool any condition that is inflamed or creating heat (anger, irritation, rage, disgust, etc).

We are one of the top manufacturers of Chamomile Oil, and we also supply Chamomile Oil in bulk to many industries. Also, visit Shiva Exports India, a major exporter of Chamomile Oil, if you are to shop online Chamomile Oil for its beneficial characteristics and applications. As wholesale Chamomile Oil producers and suppliers from India, we ensure that our customers are provided the purest and best grade oil possible.

Qualities and Properties of Chamomile Oil

1. Chamomile Oil German is extracted from the flowers through steam distillation

2. The oil blends well with Basil, Frankincense, Rose Otto, Geranium, Eucalyptus

3. The oil is deep blue in color

4. It is thin in texture

5. Chamomile German Oil has a medium scent strength

6. The oil has a sweet and grassy aroma

7. Analgesic

8. Antioxidant

9. Anti-inflammatory

10. Anti-infectious

11. Antispasmodic

12. Antitumor

13. Anesthetic

14. Decongestant

15. Digestive tonic

16. Relaxant

Chamomile Oil - Uses and Benefits

1. Antiseptic, Antibiotic, Disinfectant, Bactericidal & Vermifuge

2. Stimulant & Antidepressant

3. Anti-inflammatory & Sedative

4. Antispasmodic, Relaxant & Nervine

5. tone up the skin, muscles, and internal organs

6. Reduces blood pressure and risk of heart disease

7. Helps cure rheumatism and arthritis

8. Provides relief from depression

9. Maintains healthy liver and aids in digestion

10. Reduce joints and muscle pain

11. Fades scars and spots on face and skin

As Chamomile Oil suppliers, we realise the importance of this essential oil, and the benefits it provides to its consumers.

Chemical Composition of Chamomile Oil

1. Azulene (also called Chamazulene)

2. Fanesol

3. Esters

4. Pinene

5. Nerolidol

6. Pinocarvone

7. Cineol

As leading Chamomile Oil exporters we also provide this high grade Chamomile Oil in large quantities. Furthermore, if you are seeking for a wholesale supplier of Chamomile Oil or if you want to buy Chamomile essential oil online for various sectors, contact Shiva Exports India, one of the major Chamomile Oil manufacturers.

Customer Reviews

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1. Our essential oils are highest possible quality with the best possible pricing. Everybody knows that there are 4 -5 qualities of each essential oils available so this may not be the right quality for new comers in this website. Better you drop an email to verify the exact verify of essential oils you actually need. You can also call us or Live Chat with us on live chat system installed in this website or through Skype or Yahoo Messenger.

2. Here we have implemented a new customized shipping module here any reputed buyer can check the shipping quote before placing the actual order and estimate their cost. We do not quote based on import duty inclusive. Import duty is always extra on CIF value. The same is applicable up to 50 Kg, for more than 50 Kg, Please ask for spot rates. See top right of this page.

3. We are most sincere about our packaging for safer possible delivery at destination. In case there will be a loss/ damage, we always help buyers to resolve the issue. Most of the time, we send replacement partial /full shipment with no extra cost.

4. If you are not familiar with our product, please chat with us or call me to verify the actual variety you need in order to rule out any further issues. The products are intended to reach the maximum number of people so for specific quality, please explain your purpose of use and working criteria.

5. The information in product description is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used to replace the care of a qualified physician. This data is not considered complete and is not guaranteed to be accurate for all applications.

Transit Time (WoldWide) : 3 - 4 days (exceptions may be possible due to customs and different country's export regulations. )

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